Wednesday 29 July 2015

Power of our Subconscious Mind

(Psychology says, subconscious is the part of consciousness, which is not currently in focal awareness. The subconscious is often considered as the replacement of unconscious mind.)

You have infinite reaches within your reach. To gain them, all you have to do is open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house within you. There is a storehouse within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyfully and abundantly.

You have only one mind, but that one mind possesses two distinct and characteristic functional parts. The frontier that separates the two is well known to students of the mind. The two functions of your mind are essentially different from each other. Each has its own distinct attributes and powers. Many names have been used to distinguish the two functions of the mind. These include objective and subjective mind, the walking and sleeping mind or also conscious and the subconscious mind. All of these are recognitions of this essential duality.

A magnetized piece of iron will lift about about twelve times its own weight. But if you demagnetize the same piece of iron, it will not lift even a feather. In the same way, there are two types of people. Those who are magnetized are full of confidence and faith. Others are demagnetized. They are full of fears and doubts. Their fear to go forward makes them simply stay where they are. You can be a magnetized person by using the secret.

The secret is the power found in your subconscious mind. This is the last place most people will look for it, and thus few only find it. Once you learn to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind, you can bring into your life, more health, more wealth and more happiness.

You do not need to acquire this power.  You already have it. What you have to do is, just learn how to use it. The intelligence in your subconscious can give you access to wonderful new kinds of knowledge. It is your right to discover this inner world of thoughts and power. All your experiences, events and acts are produced by your subconscious mind in reaction to your thoughts. Your prayer too is answered to the universal low of action and reaction. Thought is incipient action. Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every problem and the cause for every effect.

Before you become skilled, you must understand the principle of subconscious mind. Take the generally accepted principle, Matter expands when heated. This is a universal truth. Similarly, whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as condition, experience and event. The law of our mind is the law of belief. This means to believe in the way your mind works, to believe in belief itself. Fill your mind with the concepts of belief, harmony and peace, and wonders will happen in your life.  

Sahil Shaparia    

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