Saturday, 4 July 2015

Social Networking: Boon Or Bane

What really comes to our mind when we hear the word social networking?? Myriad of choices, right! Orkut, twitter, facebook , myspace etc. However my friends, social networking is much more than this. Modern times have flooded all of us with numerous modes of communication which indeed enhance our connectivity with the world. Social networking has come up as a boon for those who wish to connect with their friends especially old friends and acquaintances with whom they have lost touch. Though my opinion is a little different. I believe that social sites have actually degraded our language and thought process. The quality of language is the one suffering. Social media has become an alternate world for craven youth who are constantly looking for the world’s approval to live. Why..!! Why is the youth finding an escape from the real world..! Why are we portraying that we are living for others and need a constant approval to live our life. Posting a picture at night and counting the number of likes and comments in the morning. Do we actually need it? Why do we judge our worth from the likes and comments.

 Not to forget the distractive nature of this world. A lot of time is spent on websites that try to tantalize and waste our time. Not to forget that this time could have been utilized for some productive activity.

Consumers/ firms/ industries do not always use the power of social media to express themselves responsibly. More often they utilize the medium to shame a person or a brand. I may sound tendentious. But it’s high time that we start thinking pragmatically and bolster the society.

The conclusion that I draw from here is that social media has a lot of positives but let’s not oversee the negatives as well. It is surely a boon for human race as it brings people closer and let them communicate without any barriers or limitations. However, still we need to be very cautious of its impact on psychology; young brain development, social and personal behavior. 

Sonalika Thukral

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